Aminet: posted by craig on 06 Nov 1999 14:40
What's wrong with Aminet?
I cant get through to download games

CAD CAM: posted by John Kerrison on 30 Oct 1999 03:54
Does anyone know of a Computer Aided design package for the Amiga called millcam . I used this in college in 1992 when I was doing a course on CNC Programming . I would like to know how to get hold of the program for myself .

User groups!: posted by Q7 on 15 Oct 1999 17:19
Why is there NO user groups in the Borders / Eastern
grampian area of Scotland!?!?!?!.

It's beginning to p*ss me off! :/

Amiga.. Clubs or Groups?: posted by Tony on 21 Sep 1999 00:02
Are there any Amiga user groups or clubs still around
or in the Bristol (uk) area ??
There used to be loads of them!!
I`ve Siamesed my 1200 with a PC using a shared CD
writer. 540meg hd on the amiga, "shared" 1.1 gig hd
and a 4.3 gig hd on the PC. OOOhh the retargetted
Amiga workbench, ON TOP of the PC desktop !!!!

e-mail me .....

disk drives: posted by david w on 16 Sep 1999 16:44
my disk drive always (&%*# up
i dont know what to do!!

Leeds User Group: posted by Chris Pratt on 23 Aug 1999 23:44
Any Amiga users live around the Leeds area?
If so, and you are interested in getting a Leeds user
group started, E-Mail me at:
and tell me whereabouts you live so we can get a group

Towering A1200: posted by Mike on 07 Aug 1999 14:04
Hi All

I am in need of assistance in towering up my A1200

Please can anybody help me?

If anyone can help please email:

Thanx Mike

Just a quick hello..: posted by Rob Wilson on 04 Aug 1999 00:07
Hi everyone,

I'm an Amiga user with an A4000(T)/060 system and
if anyone else has a similar high spec'ed system out
there then get in touch for a chat.


UIN: 26518940

Cando 3: posted by Mark Cheetham on 03 Aug 1999 15:11
Does anyone know where I can get Cando 3.

CAUG: posted by Simon Eastop on 03 Aug 1999 09:43
Hi all,

Cymru Amiga User Group is now gaining momentum.
We have been formed just over 2 months and now have over 15 members.

We have a number of projects under analysis and discussion.
One of the current ideas it to make a Welsh catalogue file for OS 3.5

If you'd like to join, please email

All the best,
Simon (CAUG)

Wordworth 7: posted by Stuart Bryant on 24 Jul 1999 11:21
Does anyone know where i can get wordworth 7 in the UK, nobody seems to sell it.

If you know where I can get it please email:

Alien User Group: posted by Shadie on 23 Jul 1999 18:07
Anyone starting a user group up here on Mars??

Hi everyone!: posted by Neil Caunt on 23 Jul 1999 04:26
Hi! I have an A1200 and live near Leicester. Anyone fancy e-mailing me?
Do any Amiga users live in Leicestershire?

(sorry about using Hotmail - I'm not on the net myself yet!)

KickStart - The Surrey UK Amiga User Group: posted by Dean "Gandalf" Swift on 16 Jul 1999 13:37
I forgot to mention that the KickStart HomePage is

Compliments To The AmigaSoc Web Site And World Of Amiga Show Message: posted by Dean "Gandalf" Swift on 16 Jul 1999 13:35
I really like the web site, it puts my user group web site to shame.
I am a member of KickStart - the Surrey UK User Group.
Watch out!
We will be at the World Of Amiga show on Sat 24 Jul and Sun 25 Jul!
Unfortunately, our most eager member, Ray "BigMac" McCarthy is on holiday with his family having inadvertantly booked his holiday at the same time.
For this reason, the rest of us will be more enthusiastic than usual.
We hope to meet many current and propective Amiga users and our good friends from SEAL - the South Essex (UK) Amiga Link.
KickStart and SEAL will probably be selling subscriptions to our respective magazines AmigaInsight and Clubbed.

Have fun!

SolarHTML: posted by Stuart Bryant on 15 Jun 1999 18:54
SolarHTML is getting its own web page,


Excellent software: posted by Stuart Bryant on 10 Jun 1999 19:31
Everyone download SolarHTML from aminet,
It is excellent.

My Amiga: posted by Stuart Brown on 14 May 1999 10:54
I really love my Amiga (In a non sexual manner).

A big "hello": posted by Paolo D'Urso on 11 May 1999 02:40
a BIG hello to all the Amiga users and friends in the UK! :)
Greets from Italy!

Paolo "Mod3m" D'Urso,

BVision: posted by Stuart Bryant on 08 May 1999 13:42
I have just installed my BVision
It is FANTASTIC everybody buy one!

Amiga User Group Cymru: posted by Simon Eastop on 04 May 1999 15:35
I am trying to set up a Welsh Amiga user group.
Please e-mail if you would be interested in joining.


My Email :-): posted by Liam Welford on 24 Apr 1999 13:09
Oh my email is if any amiga users
want to contact me :)

Devon: posted by Liam Welford on 24 Apr 1999 13:08
Any amiga users in and around devon?

A4000 Desktop CD-ROM Drive: posted by Nikos Andreou on 23 Apr 1999 15:22
Can anyone with an A4000 tell me if it is possible to fit
a CD-ROM drive in the desktop A4000 without having half
of drive hanging out of the case? If yes which model?
Please reply to

My new Amiga WebPage: posted by Stuart Bryant on 11 Apr 1999 12:28
I have just started my very own Amiga webpage,
please come along and visit me and E-Mail your ideas to me.

It has a picture of my fish!

No Subject: posted by Steven L Croucher on 05 Apr 1999 19:24

USB stuff: posted by Stuart Bryant on 04 Apr 1999 14:28
Just wondering if anyone knows if anyone is making a USB interface for the A1200.

If you have any info please email me


Midlands Usergroup: posted by Euperia on 02 Apr 1999 14:53
There doesn't seem to be much of an Amiga support in the West Midlands,/Staffordshire area. Anyone interested in a usergroup round here?
Email me if interested. (Attractive single women, just mail me anyway!)

Amiga Online: posted by Stuart Bryant on 27 Feb 1999 10:33
I have just come online for the first time with my Amiga
it is great!!

Much better than with a PC.

New Website: posted by David Bloxham on 18 Feb 1999 22:55
I have deveopled a new website telling you about the hystory of the amiga.. take a look
(its amazing how many freeserve accounts there are)

Visit My Website: posted by Mark de Jong on 14 Feb 1999 20:23
Hi fellow Amiga lovers :)

Please visit my website:

Mark de Jong - Member of Team*Amiga*
ICQ: 16523430

The Amiga: posted by Ross Whiteford on 24 Jan 1999 11:37
Personally I think,

The Amiga is So FANTASTIC! Words cannot describe it!

Amiga Products: posted by Ross Whiteford on 23 Jan 1999 20:21
Here's a thought. How about some more Amiga merchandise. For example Boing Ball Donuts (Donuts frosted with red and white squares). Boing Lager (Lager that seperates into red and white squares when poured.

Just a suggestion.


Ross Whiteford. Scotland.

NONAME & Amiga: posted by NONAME on 12 Jan 1999 13:00
Short: We can work with Amiga in 98 ! French & English txt.
Author: (NONAME)
Uploader: (Jerome Chesnot)
Type: docs/anno

NONAME is a compaign who works only with Amiga platform.


NONAME is a compaign who works only with Amiga platform.

We recently wined a silver trophy for best internet web site.

I think it's a good proof we still can work on our Amigas !

Bye !

Jerome Chesnot

_ PRESS RELEASE ___________________________________ 10/28/98

NONAME'S VIRTUAL VILLAGE wins the Silver trophy at the International
Market for Creative Technologies that was held in Toulouse, October

This prize rewards the BEST WEB SITE CREATION.

In the Virtual Village, the netsurfer takes a walk in the streets of a
village designed in an elegant black and white graphism.

A bookshop, a technobar, exhibitions corners for artists and
shops : a wine seller, a manufacturer of tropical woods furnitures
and providers of different services.

NONAME 'S VIRTUAL VILLAGE attracts more and more netsurfers. More
than a hundred visitors per day make the total number up to 15 000 in
nine months.

NONAME would like to thank all the customers who contributed to this
success and is pleased to share this award with all the people who enjoy
a " Fresh Netsurfing " .

NONAME creates and hosts Web Sites, produces Electronic Business Cards
and CD-Roms.

URLs :

Virtual Village :

NONAME - Services :

F.A.U.S.T :

Usergroup starting NE London: posted by michael.carrillo on 05 Jan 1999 14:42
Hi Everyone,

I'm looking to start an Amiga user-group in North-East

If you are interested, please contact me at:


Amiga Stuff: posted by Steve on 03 Jan 1999 19:46
For the very best in Amiga Software visit:

Amiga: posted by Bob the Dog on 03 Jan 1999 19:44
The Amiga is great!

Cool site!: posted by Baz on 29 Dec 1998 23:02
well.......this sites gota go onto my list of faves!

Think I will even put a link to you!
check me out! Http://

Keep the Amiga flag flying!

take care and er........Happy New Year!

- = Baz = -

Graffiti Wall Reset: posted by Webmaster - AmigaSoc UK on 18 Dec 1998 11:56
Hi Everyone

I've reset the graffiti wall as it was becoming to big and unwieldy. Maybe I'll develop it a bit further when I have time so it doesn't suffer from this problem in the future.

In the mean time please keep leaving your messages.
